Tuesday, December 23, 2008

BBW, baby, and Zoolights

Ok so here's the thing...
I work at Bath and Body Works and today people were pretty upset with us for not having many giftsets left. I find this hard to believe since Offsite 2 (a pretty big room) was filled from floor to ceiling with giftsets at Thanksgiving. like seriously... you couldn't even walk in the room. anyway, back to the story, i had some people get pretty snappy with me because we didn't have a giftset for them... i wanted to be like "It's 2 days before Christmas... you really expect us to have everything in stock? this is your fault you procrastinator..." but instead i would polietely state "I'm really sorry about that but we are out of stock. we can wrap your items in cello and put a ribbon on it." I mean seriously people way to test my patience. oh well. it happens i guess.
oh and on a completely different note...
my sister and her husband ben are going to have a baby! it became public this week and i am so excited to become an aunt. that kid is going to be so spoiled! my poor sister is so sick though... she can't do much of anything which makes me sad for her but this baby will be so worth it!
Last night i went to Zoolights with my good friend John Thomas and it was SO cold.
Here we are all bundled up!
We saw a tiger...
It licked the glass and there were these kids getting a complete kick out of it...I wanted to get more pictures but it was too cold to get off my gloves to take a picture... oh well. next time.

1 comment:

Justin Thompson said...

You saw the tiger! I'm kinda jealous. All of the animals were hiding on the night that I went. The tiger looks so cuddly, doesn't it?